Other: Genographer.software.ANSWERS
Hi, Evol-Dir,
Here is my original post...
Hi Evol-Dir,
I would like to use the program Genographer to analyze fluorescent
AFLP data using 5 dyes (6FAM, VIC, NED, PET, and the size
standard LIZ) run on an ABI 3730 machine. The latest version
of Genographer http://hordeum.oscs.montana.edu/genographer/
does not
recognize the LIZ (orange) dye, and thus cannot be used for
data with more than 4 dyes. A Google search brought up an
abstract (http://www.intl-pag.org/13/abstracts/PAG13_P229.html
) regarding a
modification to the software that would allow analysis of this data,
however I have not had any luck with follow up emails to the abstract
authors or to other colleagues.
If anyone has written a modification to update Genographer and is willing
to share it, or knows who to contact, please let me know.
Thanks for your help,
..And here are the two relevant emails I received in response to this
(see below). The "unofficial" update to Genographer does exist (see
email #1 below from Ben Sikes) however it requires yet another program
that is no longer supported as an intermediary (GeneScan). The other
response (see email #2 below from Walter Durka) was a bit more promising,
as it appears that Travis Blake is in fact developing a new version of
Genographer that will import fluorescent AFLP profiles directly without
having to use GeneScan. Genographer 2.0 can be downloaded now, but it
is apparently not working on data with 5 dyes (yet).
A number of other emails suggested other programs I
might try for scoring AFLPs (including PeakScanner, a new
free program from ABI: www.appliedbiosystems.com/PeakScanner
). For those interested,
we have outlined a number of AFLP programs in Table 1 of a recent paper:
Meudt, HM & AC Clarke. 2007. Almost Forgotten or Latest
Practice? AFLP applications, analyses and advances. Trends in
Plant Science 12(3):106-117. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2007.02.001
(Responses Below)
Email #1
>From Ben Sikes [bensikes@gmail.com]
I had a similar problem and did manage to get in contact with the guys
who wrote that abstract. They gave me this message and the conversions
worked fine on Genographer. Unfortunately the problem was that the 3730
files go straight into Genemapper and then are not usable in Genographer
as it uses the Genescan data. In the end everyone in our groups has been
'pigeon-holed' into using Genemapper because ABI has monopolized how
their data can be used... at least for now. Sorry for the bad news and I
hope this helps.
On 11/18/06, Keenan Amundsen > wrote:
There has not been an official update to Genographer, so we
haven't made the changes available for download, but I am more
than happy to send you what I have along with instructions for
updating the "rusty" version. The program still relies on
preprocessing data through GeneScan. ABI does not support this,
but it can be done. Additionally there is a slight change in
what I am sending you in that another researcher from Europe has
had success in using newer versions of GeneScan to analyze her
data. Also, let me know if you are working on a Mac instead of a
PC and I can send those files instead.
This is an e-mail that I've sent out before:
There has been quite a bit of interest since PAG regarding the
upgrades to Genographer and I'm happy to send you the
modifications to update your version. There has not been an
official upgrade to genographer and I'm not sure that there will
be until some of the bugs are worked out, but hopefully these
modification will get you by. Please open and read the file "
TemporaryGenographerInstructions.doc"; it is a description of
the modifications and file import process. If you would like a
look at the *.java files I am more than happy to send those as
well. Let me know if you have any trouble downloading the
attachments and I can resend them.
Keep in mind that we have only had success using an older
version of GeneScan (version 3.1.2) to analyze the files before
importing into genographer. The genographer modifications should
allow for file import from GeneScan 3.5 and 3.7 analyzed files,
but I have been having trouble getting those newer Genescan
versions to size the DNA fragments.
The new versions of GeneMapper (3.7) from ABI does support AFLPs
but Genographer can not import GeneMapper files.
Feel free to contact me with any questions. Also please let me
know if you were successful in getting the changes to run and
which versions of software (Genescan) you are using.
Keenan Amundsen
Plant Biology Research Tech.
Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit
Rm. 118, Bldg. 010A, BARC-West
10300 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350
Phone: 301-504-5469 ext. 235
Fax: 301-504-5096
Please Note New E-mail: keenan.amundsen@ars.usda.gov
Also if you have problems responding to an e-mail that I have
sent you, check to see (and remove) if there are extra domain
extensions on my address (.local and arsnet. are common), since
this will prevent a response.
Email #2
>From Walter Durka [walter.durka@ufz.de]
Hi there is a newly developed Genographer 2
which reads ABI3100 data. This verion is made by Travis Banks.
It can read the five dyes; but at the moment does not correctly
interprete the LIZ size standard (but try, perhaps it works with your
data). I am in contact with Travis for some weeks now to solve this
problem. His last mail said that he will have a new version these days....
Heidi M. Meudt, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Botany
Museum of New Zealand
Te Papa Tongarewa
P.O. Box 467
New Zealand
phone: +64 4 381 7127
fax: +64 4 381 7070
website: http://www.tepapa.govt.nz/TePapa/English/CollectionsAndResearch/ResearchAtTepapa/Projects/Plants/
Adjunct Research Associate
School of Biological Sciences
Victoria University
1-85 Kelburn Parade
Room 507, New Kirk Building
New Zealand
phone: +64 4 463 5026
fax: +64 4 463 5331
website: http://www.vuw.ac.nz/sbs/staff/staff_research_fellows/meudt-heidi/meudt-heidi.aspx