Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge about programs that can convert a graphical representation of a phylogenetic tree into a text format (e.g., newick). It seems as though there is a lot of interest in such software but really only two programs that can get the job done. They are: TreeSnatcher by Laubach and von Haeseler: TreeThief by Andrew Rambaut: Below is the original question: Dear EvolDir members, I am curious if anyone has developed software or knows of any that exists that can convert a graphical representation of a phylogenetic tree (e.g., .pdf/.ai/.ps file created from a phylogeny in a published manuscript) to a text format (e.g., newick or phylip). I know there are lots of programs to go the other way (e.g., from newick format to a graphical representation), which is why I am thinking that it might be possible to convert a tree back to a text format. From discussions with those in my local academic community, there is interest in whether such a conversion is possible. I will also compile and post any comments I receive. Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated and thanks for your time, James