Dear all, Apparently, several collaegues cope with the question how one can correct for sample sizes, when analysing mtDNA sequence data. At best, one uses a diversity index which is insensitive to sample size off course, but nevertheless, it would be nice to be able to define a measure for haplotype diversity, No of polymorphic sites, etc. when you have a dataset with unequal sample sizes among the populations/groups. Below, I post the answers I received thus far. If you are developing a package that can handle this problem, please keep us informed. Thanks to everybody, Dieter Anseeuw. Dieter, The HP-Rare software might be useful for performing rarefaction on haplotypes diversity. The program uses the Genepop format for input files, but you could code the genotypes as having a missing allele. Steven Kalinowksi Hello Dieter. I am working on such a program, but it will not be ready until the new year. I am unaware of any programs that can do these calculations. If you receive some responses referring to existing programs I'd like to know, as I will be able to save myself a lot of time. Joseph W. Brown Hey Dieter, a common procedure we use to correct for non sampling errors is solving the Cornuet and Aries algorithm: - Cornuet JM, Aries F (1980) Number of sex alleles in a sample of honeybee colonies. Apidologie, 11: 87-93. Rodolfo Jaffé R. -- Dieter Anseeuw Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus Kortrijk Subfaculteit Wetenschappen Etienne Sabbelaan 53 B-8500 Kortrijk Belgium Direct phone: +32.(0) Fax: +32.(0) Disclaimer: