Registration for Evolution 2025 is now open! Please join us for the virtual meeting from May 29-30, and/or for the in-person meeting in Athens, GA from June 20-24. Evolution 2025 is the joint meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, the Society of Systematic Biologists, and the Society for the Study of Evolution. The meeting is one of the premiere international opportunities for sharing research on evolutionary biology. The conference will be held in 2 parts: A 2 day virtual conference with live online workshops, talks, symposia, and networking events (May 29-30), followed a few weeks later by a 5 day in-person conference in Athens, GA, USA at the Classic Center, June 20-24. The in-person conference will include plenary addresses from the three societies, concurrent sessions, posters, workshops, mixers, and special events. Alex Wong (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to