We have extended Early Bird registration to Genome Science UK 2024, Bristol. Early Bird registration will now close on 24th May. Anyone who registered at full price over the weekend will be refunded the different between Early Bird and Full rates. The Abstract Submission deadline is also approaching on the 24th May. Register now at https://bristol.genomescience.org.uk/register/ ---- Join us at Genome Science UK 2024, the ever-popular gathering for genomics researchers, clinicians, and industry leaders in the UK. Taking place in the vibrant city of Bristol, July 16th-18th, this three-day conference offers a unique opportunity to hear from world-renowned leaders in the field such as Professor Deborah Williamson (UKHSA), Prof Richard Durbin (University of Cambridge), Dr Lucy Burkitt-Grey (UK Biobank) and Prof Matt Brown (Chief Scientific Officer, Genomics England). The conference covers the latest advancements across various priority areas, including Evolving Technologies, Human & Clinical Genomics, Evolutionary Genomics, Plant and Animal Genomics, Microbes and Microbiomes, Epigenetics, Bioinformatics & Machine Learning in Genomics, Spatial and Single-Cell Genomics, and Genome Engineering. Discover the latest technologies and solutions shaping the future of genomics at our dedicated exhibitor booths. Genome Science UK 2024 promises to be an unforgettable event. Register now at https://bristol.genomescience.org.uk/register/. Limited early-bird registration discounts are available until 24th May. Students early bird registration �225, delegates early bird �260, industry attendees �400. Jordi Paps Montserrat (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)