Call for abstracts: symposium on microevolutionary processes and macroevolutionary patterns at ESEB 2025 ESEB 2025 Congress will be held at the International Convention Centre of Barcelona (CCIB) in Barcelona, Spain, from August 17 to 22, 2025. Carolin Kosiol from the University of St Andrews, Thibault Latrille and Th??o Gaboriau from the University of Lausanne are pleased to announce the upcoming symposium on microevolutionary processes and macroevolutionary patterns at ESEB 2025. Recent advancements in phylogenetics, phylogenetic comparative methods, and high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping tools provide unprecedented opportunities for studying evolution across different evolutionary time scales. The wealth of emerging molecular and phenotypic data and new integrative statistical tools enable us to address one of the most enduring questions in evolutionary biology: whether and how evolutionary processes observed at population levels scale up to the diversity observed at higher taxonomic levels. This symposium will bring together a variety of topics and approaches that aim at addressing the interface between microevolution and macroevolution. We aim to thrust the field forward by showcasing state-of-the-art approaches that make inferences about macroevolutionary patterns and processes from microevolutionary mechanisms, with an overarching goal to stimulate the use of these powerful approaches for wider fields of evolutionary biology. This symposium will also connect researchers exploring the same questions and raise awareness about model systems that help answer these fundamental questions. We are pleased to confirm as invited speakers Lee Hsiang Liow from the Natural History Museum. Oslo. Norway and Jonathan Rolland from the CNRS. Toulouse. France Deadline for abstract submission: 25 April 2025. For more information and to submit your abstract, please visit: Best regards, Dr. Thibault Latrille, Universit?? de Lausanne Dr. Carolin Kosiol, University of St Andrews Dr. Th??o Gaboriau, Universit?? de Lausanne Th??o Gaboriau (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to