Hello, on behalf of the organizational and scientific committees I would like to ask you to send an invitation to participants or post information about the international conference organized by our Department on the website. Below I am sending information about the conference and a link to the website. We have invited speakers with very interesting presentation topics. On behalf of the organizing and scientific committee of the conference, we cordially invite you to participate in the jubilee international conference XXXth Genetic Days. The conference will be held on September 10-13, 2024, at Ksi±¿ Castle in Poland. The conference covers a wide range of topics related to animal and plant genetics, including the analysis of polymorphisms and various omics, the use of artificial intelligence in genetic analysis, and the application of genetics in forensics. Further details can be found on the conference website www.30thgeneticdays.pl Additionally, a show of Silesian horses is planned as part of the conference. The only stud of these horses is located in the Ksi±¿ Stallion Herd in historic stable buildings. We look forward to meeting you in September at the beautiful Ksi±¿ Castle. Thank you very much and best regards Magdalena Zatoñ-Dobrowolska Dr hab. in¿. Magdalena Zatoñ-Dobrowolska, profesor uczelni Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wroc³awiu Katedra Genetyki Dr Magdalena Zatoñ-Dobrowolska Associate professor Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences Department of Genetics ul. Ko¿uchowska 7 51-631 Wroc³aw Poland tel. +48 71 3205920 e-mail: magdalena.zaton-dobrowolska@upwr.edu.pl ORCID0000-0002-3096-4113 Administratorem Pañstwa danych osobowych w zwi±zku z prowadzon± korespondencj± jest Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wroc³awiu, ul. C. K. Norwida 25, 50-375 Wroc³aw. Administrator powo³a³ Inspektora Ochrony Danych, z którym mo¿na skontaktowaæ siê za po¶rednictwem wiadomo¶ci e-mail (iod@upwr.edu.pl). Pañstwa dane osobowe przetwarzane bêd± w celu prowadzenia niniejszej korespondencji, udzielenia informacji i przez czas jej trwania. Przys³uguje Pañstwu prawo dostêpu do danych, ich sprostowania, ograniczenia przetwarzania, usuniêcia, ¿±dania sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzêdu Ochrony Danych Osobowych. Szczegó³owe informacje na temat ochrony danych osobowych dostêpne s± wPolityce Prywatno¶ci. Magdalena Zatoñ-Dobrowolska (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)