We are organizing a symposium on "Urban Evolutionary Dynamics and Species Interactions" at the 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (July 26-30, 2024, Montreal, Canada) and would like to encourage you to submit an abstract. https://www.evolutionmeetings.org/ The focus of the symposium will be on urban evolution. Urbanisation demands organisms rapidly respond to environmental changes including new microclimates, novel stimuli, pollution, unique synthetic habitat, and fragmented natural landscapes. These documented evolutionary changes have impacts beyond the focal species, providing an exciting study question for ecological and evolutionary patterns, processes, and principles. Complicating these "eco-evolutionary feedbacks" is the fact that city landscapes are not randomised, but fundamentally intertwined with human society, politics, and culture. This symposium will highlight how urbanisation influences (1) evolutionary and plastic (mal)adaptive genetic and trait response (e.g. physiological, life-history, morphological, behavioural, reproductive success, survival, phenology), (2) non adaptive evolutionary processes (e.g. gene flow, genetic drift) and (3) how these evolutionary and plastic changes shape species interactions in cities. We aim to make our symposium as diverse as possible, therefore we encourage researchers at all career stages (undergrad to full professor), nationalities, gender, and focal taxa to submit an abstract to be included in the symposium. Elizabeth Carlen, PhD website: www.elizabethcarlen.com "Carlen, Elizabeth" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)