Please forward this message to all possibly interested people and groups. The Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health will be July 8-10 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Chaos in Washington has made it impossible for many scientists to plan travel so abstracts for talks will now be accepted until Feb. 28. Posters can be submitted until May 1, but earlier is better. Full information is at Students, researchers, clinicians, and teachers are all invited to present their research, hear the latest advances from renowned scientists, renew old friendships and make new ones at workshops, discussions and social events. You can also enjoy all that Nashville and Tennessee have to offer. Music! The ISEMPH 2025 website offers full information about dates and deadlines, Registration, Abstract submission for talks and posters, abstract submission for symposia,the Program, Accommodation, Travel, and more. Register early to get substantial discounts; fees are refundable until two weeks before the meeting if your plans change. Fees are lower for members so you may want to join the society or renew your registration before registering for the meeting. The Vanderbilt Evolutionary Studies Initiative is also hosting a two-day symposium to mark the 100th anniversary of the Scopes "Monkey" Trial on the weekend following the conference. More than twenty speakers will talk about evolution, education, religion, and the law - the event will also include lunches and book signings by several authors. Learn more here. You can register for both events with your ISEMPH 2025 registration. Send questions about travel and logistics to, questions about abstracts to, and all other questions to (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to