Dear Colleagues, I have the pleasure to announce the first conference dedicated to holocentric chromosomes held at the University of Neuchatel in Switzerland from the 25th to the 26th of April 2025. You can find all details here: Our aim is to bring together the holocentric community working on plants, arthropods and worms and to provide new perspectives, bridging between cell biology and macroevolution! We will host the following keynote speakers: Ines Drinnenberg, Institut Curie, France Marcial Escudero, University of Seville, Spain Joana Meier, Sanger Institute, UK Andr� Marques, Max Planck Institute, Germany With kind regards Kay Prof. Dr. Kay Lucek Biodiversity Genomics Laboratory University of Neuchatel rue Emile-Argand 11 2000 Neuchatel Switzerland LUCEK Kay (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to