EARLYBIRD REGISTRATION EXTENDED FOR ONE WEEK to March 7 Dear Colleagues, The TWELFTH annual Yosemite Symbiosis Workshop will take place on April 19-21st, 2024 at the Sierra Nevada Research Institute, Yosemite National Park. In the previous 11 years, this meeting became a great venue for a diversity of symbiosis researchers. We hope to continue to attract a diverse group in 2024! KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Kabir Peay, Stanford University https://mykophile.stanford.edu/ REGISTRATION WILL OPEN IN EARLY 2024 Find updates here: https://www.sachslab.com/symbiosis-2015.php Why: Our goal is to better integrate scientists that focus on symbiosis research, including researchers that study animal-microbe and plant-microbe systems, as well as broader topics related to the microbiome, cooperation, and mutualism. This will be our 12th annual meeting and we have been consistently attracting scientists from all over the country and overseas. Who: The meeting is small and intimate by design (~50 participants). We would like to make room for a diverse group of people so we will initially accept up to 3 lab members per group (including the PI) on a first come first served basis. In the past we have covered a range of symbiosis topics from ecology and evolution to molecular mechanisms in different model and non-model systems. What: The meeting will be made up of two half-days of talks and one poster session. Other than the keynote (~1 hour), talks are 15 minutes long (including time for questions). Posters are flexible for size, but the ideal poster should be no larger than ~4 feet square. When you apply for the meeting, you will provide your preference for a talk or poster. When: Participants generally arrive Friday afternoon or evening (April 19) and depart Sunday early afternoon (April 21). Though some attendees often extend their stay at the station to spend more time at the National Park. Where: This is the best part! The meeting takes place at the Sierra Nevada Research Station, in Wawona California, within the borders of Yosemite National Park! What will it cost? More good news here! We have received continued generous funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. This will allow us to provide FREE REGISTRATION to graduate students and postdoc presenters. Even without the awards, we have been good at keeping costs low ( <$300 total for PIs, includes all fees: registration, room and board). Please direct any questions to the organizers: Joel Sachs joels@ucr.edu A. Carolin Frank cfrank3@ucmerced.edu *Joel L. Sachs* *Professor & Chair, * Evolution Ecology & Organismal Biology University of California, Riverside Chair's Office 2745 Life Sciences Building Office (951) 827-6357 / Fax (951) 827-4286 / http://www.sachslab.com Zoom: http://ucr.zoom.us/my/Sachsevolution *Post address*: Sachs Lab - UC Riverside 3401 Watkins Dr., 1229 Spieth Hall, Riverside, CA 92521 joels@ucr.edu (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)