Fully-funded PhD position (3.5 years) open to any nationality. Microbial communities are present within many hosts, including sponges, which perform a critical ecosystem service, i.e. filtration of seawater. The diversity of the sponge microbiome is related to the sponge species and to the environment in which the sponges live. One of the key waste products of seawater filtration is ammonia and removal of ammonia is facilitated by microbial ammonia oxidisers such as Thaumarchaeota, as they use ammonia as a substrate for their energy generation. This project aims to understand the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms controlling for the host and niche specialisation and stability (resilience and resistance) of sponge-associated microbes following environmental perturbations influenced by climate change. Among the diverse approaches applicable to answer these key questions of eco-evo dynamics of symbiotic microbial communities, a combination of novel DNA sequencing and metagenome reconstruction and microbial cultivation would be included. The student will be trained in a series of cutting-edge lab- and computer-based approaches to provide exciting novel discoveries that will contribute to understanding the mechanisms underlying microbial ecology and evolution in natural environments. More details can be found at: Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of sponge-associated microbial communities at Aberdeen University on FindAPhD.com The student will join an active research group focused on microbial ecology and evolution and more information about the group can be found on our website (https://www.gubry-rangin.com/). The student will also benefit from an interdisciplinary network of collaborators with strong expertise in sponges. Such collaboration will offer some great sampling opportunities and fantastic access to collection databases. Our laboratory is located in the North-East of Scotland, close to the sea and the mountains, with numerous opportunities for outdoor activities and wildlife spotting. We encourage applications from all backgrounds and communities, and are committed to having a diverse, inclusive team. Application deadline: 30 June 2024 Start date: 01 October 2024 Location: Aberdeen, Scotland, UK The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683. Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas cl�raichte ann an Alba, �ir. SC013683. "Gubry-Rangin, Cecile" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)