The Hardy Lab at Auburn University ( is recruiting graduate students (MS or PhD) interested in exploring the diversity of herbivorous insects, and using comparative analyses to better understand invasion biology. The work addresses general questions about the evolution of where species occur, and aims to promote more sustainable agriculture and the conservation of natural resources. It will also shed light on the history of the species diversification in aphids. Some prior experience with entomology and data science would help, but is not required. The most important things are being curious about the research themes, and being eager to learn how to do comparative biodiversity science. The Hardy Lab values diversity and social equity. Members of groups that have been historically excluded from scientific research are especially urged to apply. Anticipated state date of August of 2025. The position will stay open until it is filled. I will start reviewing materials on February 7. The position comes with a renewable 12-month stipend, starting at $30K, a tuition remission, and befits. To Apply: Start by sending your CV and a short ( <1 page) description of your research interests to Nate B Hardy ( If it looks like you could be a good fit, I'll reach out to further discuss the position, and pass along more details about applying to the AU Graduate School. (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to