Doctoral Researcher, Gut microbiome and thermal adaptations in wild birds A Doctoral Researcher position is available at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, in the group of Dr. Suvi Ruuskanen. The Doctoral Researcher will work in an ERC-funded project where the overarching aim is to understand the significance of the gut microbiome in thermal adaptations in birds within and across generations, and species.Starting date is August 2024 or as mutually agreed. PROJECT DESCRIPTION All animals on our planet carry microorganisms in their gut. The gut microbiome has recently been shown to be strongly linked to health in humans and model animals. However, we still have limited knowledge on how the gut microbiome can contribute to host adaptation, particularly in light of climate change. Interestingly, studies in vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms, and our own data in great tits (Parus major) suggest that the microbiome changes with temperature, and there is proof-of-concept data that this compositional shift in the microbiome occurs as an adaptive response to cold exposure. In this project the student will study the short-term flexibility of the gut microbiome to environmental (incl thermal) challenges, and its adaptive function in thermoregulation, using great tits as the model species. This will involve conducting novel experiments on wild-caught captive birds (e.g. manipulation of temperature and other stressors as well as microbiome manipulations), combined with physiological measurements in the lab, using a variety of bioinformatic and statistical tools. DUTIES The doctoral researcher position will involve conducting experiments with captive birds at the Konnevesi Research station, contribution to laboratory analyses (physiological and molecular), bioinformatic analyses of 16s rRNA and possibly other sequencing data, manuscript preparation and supervision of students. QUALIFICATIONS We are seeking a highly motivated, innovative, productive person, who will be willing to gain experience both in the lab and in the field and contribute intellectually to the project development. Suitable candidates should have a Msc in ecology/evolution, (eco)physiology, molecular biology, microbial ecology or related field by the time of starting the position, and interest in host-microbiome research and bioinformatics. Experience in laboratory analyses or working with (wild) animals will be considered beneficial. The duties, qualification requirements and language skills of a Doctoral Researcher are stipulated by the University of Jyväskylä Regulations and language skills guidelines.The MSc degree required for the position must have been completed before starting the position. Doctoral Researcher needs to be also enrolled in the doctoral programme which can be applied from the Faculty of Mathematics and Science after selection for the position. WE OFFER Funding for 4 years in the doctoral program of the University of Jyväskylä. Supervision in all aspects of the work (from field to lab to computational skills), possibility to join workshops to improve specific skills in e.g. bioinformatics, data analysis. International, enthusiastic working environment (working language is English) in a friendly research group with a large collaborator network. Well-equipped research station (Konnevesi research station), labs and state-of-the-art scientific equipment, software, access to journals and scientific databases. Resources for travel to conferences or workshops abroad. The Doctoral Researcher will be supervised by Dr. Suvi Ruuskanen, Dr. Charli Davies and Dr. Antoine Stier At the University of Jyväskylä, you are a recognized member of our community with an ample opportunity to be drawn into international research. You get to participate in our international and multidisciplinary community, where everybody's welfare is essential. You will work in an inspiring and lively campus area and an environment that supports a healthy and active lifestyle. Finland has a high standard of living with healthcare, free schooling (also in English), affordable childcare, and good family benefits. The city of Jyväskylä is located in central Finland amidst Finnish lakes and has excellent opportunities for different nature, outdoor, and sports activities. It is a major educational center, whose large student population is responsible for a vibrant cultural scene. To find useful information about the University of Jyväskylä, the City of Jyväskylä, and living in Finland, see the University's Handbook for international staff and visitors. The initial annual salary will be approximately 30,000 EUR (gross income, including a holiday bonus). With progress of the thesis work, the salary will be revised in accordance with the Collective Agreement of Finnish Universities. The employment starts with a trial period of six months. HOW TO APPLY LINK to application: The application documents that should be included in PDF format: A two-page long Curriculum vitae, composed according to good scientific practice and considering the template for researcher´s curriculum vitae by The Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and including contact information of two academics who can provide reference letters Max 2-page motivation letter including a statement of research interests and reasons for applying A numbered list of publications, if any Relevant certificates / diplomas (or date of completion the MSc) For further details, please contact Associate Professor Suvi Ruuskanen, The Environmental Physiology lab (Environmental Physiology Lab | University of Jyväskylä (, led by Suvi Ruuskanen, research fields are at the intersection of environmental sciences, ecotoxicology and physiological, behavioural and molecular ecology, thus we are integrative biologists. We are broadly interested in the molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying organismal adaptation to environmental changes. These include, for example, physiology of stress and energetics, epigenetic and microbiome-mediated mechanisms. We also have passion for understanding transgenerational and developmental plasticity. Apply between 9 April 2024and 15 May 2024 23:59 (Europe/Helsinki) Department of Biological and Environmental Science The research in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciencefocuses on three core areas: evolutionary biology, natural resources and environment, and biological nanoscience. The Department building, Ambiotica, is an integral part of the University of Jyväskylä's Ylistönrinne Mathematics and Science Research Complex, which includes buildings of chemistry, physics and nanoscience. Ambiotica houses high quality laboratories for bioscience and experimental facilities for a wide range of biological and chemical analyses as well as highly motivated laboratory personnel. The University of Jyväskyläis a human-centered environment of 2,500 experts and 14,500 students. Our goal is to create wisdom and well being for all. JYU's naturally beautiful campus is located in the heart of the city of Jyväskylä.JYU is the third largest employer in Central Finland. Suvi Ruuskanen Associate Professor in Environmental Physiology Department of Biological and Environmental Science University of Jyväskylä, Finland Adjunct professor, visiting researcher Department of Biology University of Turku, Finland Mobile +358503256547 Environmental Physiology Lab | University of Jyväskylä ( Twitter: @RuuskanenSuvi "Ruuskanen, Suvi" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to