I obtained a funding for a PhD salary for three years in France (Marseille) cosupervised by myself (CNRS, IMBE) and Pr Delphine Thibault (Aix marseille Univ, MIO). A few keywords : "marine zooplankton, larvae, life history traits, metabarcoding, temporal survey, connectivity, global change" The persons to contact are Anne Chenuil (anne.chenuil@imbe.fr) and Delphine Thibault (delphine.thibault@univ-amu.fr). It is very urgent (I should send the candidate CV until may 17th, although I will try to extend this delay). Below is a link describing the PhD topic and the candidate profile (but the contact persons and the deadline are obsolete): https://www.univ-amu.fr/fr/public/actualites/appels-doffres-de-theses-et-postdocs-ocean Anne Chenuil-Maurel (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)