Ph.D. Position in Eco-evolutionary response of forests to climate change (M/F) Thesis subject description The objective of this thesis will be to combine macro-evolutionary and spatio-temporal data analyses to understand how adaptive potential of plant species is driving their range shifts, community reshuffling and/or productivity in face of climate change. First, the candidate will infer the adaptive potential of forest plant species using a macro-evolutionary approach. For instance, the evolution rate of the climatic niche of plant species could be estimated using a phenotypic evolution model reconstructing the evolution of climatic tolerances and optimum along the plant phylogeny. Second, the effect of the adaptive potential (in combination with other traits implied in species' persistence and migration) on species range shift, community reshuffling and/or productivity will be tested using different datasets (BioShift, NFI data, ...). The thesis will be supervised by Romain Bertrand (Biodiversity and Environment Research Center; CRBE lab in Toulouse) and will benefit from the expertise of and collaboration with Jonathan Rolland (CRBE), Gaël Grenouillet (CRBE) and Xavier Morin (CEFE). Strong interactions with the international BioShift working group are also expected. Work Context The proposed thesis topic is part of FREEvol project aiming to study the eco-evolutionary mechanisms underlying the response of the forest ecosystem functioning in face of climate change. The candidate will be hosted at the Biodiversity and Environment Research Center (CRBE) located in Toulouse on the campus of the University of Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier. The candidate will be affiliated with the SEVAB doctoral school at the University of Toulouse. Expected skills The candidate should have strong knowledge in evolutionary, functional and global change ecology, as well as proficiency in statistical analysis tools (notably used to study phylogeny and big database) in the R environment. Previous experience with the plant biological model will be advantageous for the application. The candidate may potentially participate to field sampling of the FREEvol project in a mountainous context (Pyrenees) and must be in good physical condition for missions in challenging terrain. Contract information Type of Contract: Fixed-term doctoral contract Contract Duration: 36 months Ph.D. Start Date: October 1, 2024 Workload: Full-time Remuneration Monthly gross flat rate of 2135 euros How to apply? Applications should include a detailed CV (2 pages max), a letter of motivation demonstrating your skills for the accomplishment of the PhD, transcripts of Master's grades, and at least two references (persons likely to be contacted). The candidate will include the thesis of his M2 internship if possible. All required documents need to be uploaded here: The deadline for applications is 14/06/2024. Contact: romain.bertrand2[at]univ-tlse3[dot]fr Jonathan Rolland (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to