PhD offer We propose a fully funded 3-year PhD fellowship starting in October 2024, aiming at characterizing the evolution of the mating system of a protected plant species with high conservation value, the Dune Pansy (Viola tricolor ssp. curtisii). The student will be based at University of Lille. Title of the thesis: Conservation and management of an endangered species, the dune pansy (Viola tricolor ssp. curtisii): mating system evolution and reproductive success along its geographic range. Supervisors : Anne Duputié (MCF), Isabelle De Cauwer (MCF), Jean-François Arnaud (PR) Location : Unité Évolution, Écologie et Paléontologie UMR 8198 CNRS / Université de Lille - Faculté des Sciences et Technologies 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France. How to apply: To apply, please send: -    a CV -    a short motivation letter (max 1 page) -    university certificates with official grades in a single PDF -    contact details from two referees and/or recommendation letters to Jean-François Arnaud (, Anne Duputié ( and Isabelle De Cauwer ( Only complete applications received by 15 May 2024 will be considered. The selection criteria will be the excellence of the curriculum vitae and the adequacy between the professional project of the candidate and the thesis subject. Requested skills: The candidate must hold a Master's degree in ecology or evolutionary biology, and have an interest in fieldwork, experiments in controlled environments, molecular biology and statistical analysis. Initial experience in one or more of these fields would be appreciated. Good oral and written communication skills are required. Summary of PhD project: Species specific patterns of genetic structure are influenced by spatial factors and by life-history traits, especially reproductive and dispersal related traits. These factors generate striking spatial genetic structure both at the scale of the species' distribution range but also at very fine scales of investigation. These spatial genetic patterns reflect both local adaptations and random variations that are not homogenized by gene flow. This thesis will explore the evolution of the mating system of a protected plant species with high conservation value, the Dune Pansy, and its impact on the levels of genetic diversity and on the reproductive success of individuals. The southern boundary of the geographic range of the Dune Pansy extends along the coastline of the "Hauts-de-France" region, where populations are exposed to anthropogenic disturbances along the coastline and to potential reduction in pollinator density. A biogeographical break has been observed between core and marginal populations, with trailing-edge populations showing higher levels of genetic differentiation, reduced genetic diversity, and higher levels of selfing estimated through progeny arrays. The objectives of this thesis are as follows: -    Analysing the intra-population sources of variation in mating system (propensity for selfing) in relation to floral traits and pollinator abundance, while assessing pollen limitation in situ. -    Evaluating the evolution of floral traits and the mating system at the center and the edge of the geographic distribution of the species over a few generations. -    Assessing the feasibility of reinforcing wild populations located in the "Hauts-de-France" region using individuals coming from the Netherlands, evaluate their genetic disparity, and formulate operational recommendations for conservation management. -    Determine if the Dune Pansy hybridizes with closely-related species in natural habitats, and if so, formulate management recommendations for these sites. Jean-François ARNAUD Unité Evolution, Ecologie et Paléontologie UMR 8198 CNRS / Université de Lille - Faculté des Sciences et Technologies 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France Tel. : (+33) 03 20 33 62 96 ; Fax : (+33) 03 20 43 69 79 Web Lab.: Perso. Page: Master BEE : Jean-François Arnaud (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to