I have multiple Master's and PhD graduate student openings in my lab at University of Missouri-Columbia for studying evolutionary and environmental genomics using Daphnia. To be eligible for the graduate program for University of Missouri, please refer to our graduate program requirements (https://biology.missouri.edu/grad-program) We have a few different research directions 1) the genetic mechanisms for obligate parthenogenesis in Daphnia, 2) the evolution of meiotic recombination rate in Daphnia, 3) CRISPR gene editing in Daphnia, and 4) environmental mutagens and genomic integrity. For those interested, please send an inquiry email to me (sxwf7@umsystem.edu) with a CV/resume and description of research interests. Best regards, Sen Sen Xu, PhD Associate Professor, Division of Biological Sciences Tucker Hall, Room 304A University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 Email: sxwf7@umsystem.edu "Xu, Sen" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)