GraduatePosition: UParma EuropeanMarieCurieMSCACOFUND ComputationaEvolutionarylGenomics PhD CallOut Three year PhD position in Computational and Evolutionary Genomics at the Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability (SCVSA), University of Parma (Italy) (, under the supervision of Prof Riccardo Percudani and Prof Cristian Capelli (see profiles at: . The call is within the European Marie Curie (MSCA) COFUND project, which aims at training a new generation of qualified experts in the complex cultural, organisational, environmental, technological and political dynamics linked to the application of Big Data. Coordinated by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Region and all the Universities of Emilia-Romagna, the project is co-funded with 9 million euros. Thanks to an international call for applications, 53 candidates will be selected for as many PhD scholarships. The thematic area of this specific call is HEALTH, and the projects to be proposed should be related to the following theme: Illuminating dark gene targets in the human genome through big data analysis. Applicants should have prior experience in the use of high-performance computational clusters in relation to the analysis of -omics datasets. As the call promotes mobility, candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the deadline of this call for applications, i.e., from June 29th, 2021 until June 28th, 2024. The call for applicants is now open, with deadline on June 28th, 2924. Candidates are expected to be interviewed in July 2024 and the PhD will begin in Autumn 2024 (November 1st). Interested candidates fulfilling the indicate criteria are strongly advised to contact indicated supervisors according to the personal interests to discuss the project proposal (email:, Info on the call:, while the details for the PhD program can be seen at The project will be part of the Doctorate program in Biotechnology and Biosciences, which focuses on the study of the evolution, function, organisation and regulation of the genomes of microorganisms, animals and plants. The program recruits every year about 10 students and is one of the doctoral programs offered by the SCVSA department. Info on the PhD course in Biotechnology and Life Sciences: The SCVSA department has been recognised Department of Excellence by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MUR), receiving dedicated funding. University of Parma is one of the oldest in the world, originally founded in 962 by Emperor Ottonian. The University holds 9 Departments, 40 First Cycle Degree Courses, 6 Single Cycle Degree Courses, 46 Second Cycle Degree Courses (7 of which entirely held in English), as well as many Postgraduate schools, Teacher Training courses, several Master Programmes and PhDs. The size of the University (27,000 students, with more than 5,000 graduates per year and about 1,700 faculty and staff members), together with the quality of life in Parma has always attracted a large number of students from all over Italy. More than two-thirds of our registered students come from outside of Parma and its Province: for this reason the University deserves top ranking for attracting the most non-resident students nationwide. Many facilities are available to students to enhance the quality of their studies and university life, including, language courses at the Foreign Language Centre, and many sports activities run by the University of Parma CUS, which offers courses in a number of disciplines in a wide range of structures - a swimming pool, athletics tracks, tennis courts, football pitches, a golf course, basketball courts, rugby pitches, etc. Parma, the hometown of the famous Italian music composers Giuseppe Verdi and Arturo Toscanini, is located in the Emilia-Romagna region, in the North of Italy. The city hosts several famous historical buildings (the Renaissance Teatro Farnese among the others) and is placed within the beautiful Parma valley, also known as the "Food Valley" for its world-wide renowned gastronomic products. Firma il tuo 5xmille all'Università di Parma. Aiutaci a potenziare la capacità di accoglienza, soprattutto abitativa, per le studentesse e gli studenti. - Indica 00308780345 nella tua dichiarazione dei redditi. Cristian CAPELLI (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to