bonjour, The Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien(IPHC, UMR7178 CNRS-Universit?? de Strasbourg, France, is opening a call for applicants to the entrance examination(concours) of the Doctoral School ED414 at the University of Strasbourg, France on the PhD project entitledComparative behavioral ecology and ecophysiology of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis along a latitudinal gradient. The applicants are invited to contact the PhD supervisor (Dr Habil. Jean-Yves Georges, before 24. May 2024. Applications should include a detailed CV, marks, scores and ranks during the Master degree(s) and a motivation letter that clearly shows the match between the candidate???s expertise and the goals and needs of the project. Considering the highly competitive nature of the entrance examination (concours), only highly skilled and motivated candidates are encouraged to apply. This project is part of the Biodiversa+ funded Emys-R project ( and the Neu Woerr long-term Studies in Ecology and Evolution (SEE-Life) program of the CNRS. Dr PD (Habil.) Jean-Yves Georges IPHC UMR7178 CNRS UniStra 23 rue du loess, Building 60 67087 Strasbourg France +33 619 675 175 DR2 CNRS Coordinator Biodiversa-WaterJPI funded Emys-R CoordinatorLong-term Studies in Ecologyand Evolution (SEE-Life) program of CNRS at Neu Woerr Deputy Director Zone Atelier Argonne Standing with Ukraine?????????? ??????????????! Jean-Yves Georges (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to