We are currently seeking up to two PhD students (Bioinformatics) to join our exciting research on human gut associated microbes at strain level! The successful candidates will be affiliated with the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Ume=E5 University in a dynamic international setting! Additionally, the candidates will be part of The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden, MIMS (the Swedish node of Nordic EMBL partnership for molecular medicine)and the DDLS network (hosted by SciLifeLab) =96 This offers numerous opportunities for collaboration with researchers both in Sweden and across Europe! Please feel free to share this within your network! For more details on the position and "how to apply" follow the link below: https://umu.varbi.com/what:job/jobID:763048/(Swedish) https://umu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:763048/(English) Best regards Chinmay chinmay kumar Dwibedi (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)