A PhD student position in evolutionary genomics, with focus on diversity and evolution on lichen-associated basidiomycetes, is available in my group at Uppsala University, Sweden. Start date autumn 2024, deadline to apply 11 June 2024. Please help me spread this to potential candidates! Please find all the details and instructions on how to apply at: https://uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:728238/ Best regards, Veera Tuovinen Nogerius Researcher Evolutionary biology Department of Ecology and Genetics Uppsala University Mobile: +46762513988 Page Title N�r du har kontakt med oss p� Uppsala universitet med e-post s� inneb�r det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. F�r att l�sa mer om hur vi g�r det kan du l�sa h�r: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/ E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy Veera Tuovinen Nogerius (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)