PhD position in Drug resistance evolution and Pharmacodynamic data analysis Professorship in Pathogen Evolution (ETH Zurich and Eawag) is seeking a highly motivated PhD Candidate to study drug resistance evolution in various pathogens through population genetic modelling and pharmacodynamic data analysis. The project's main objective is to extract and analyze large amounts of pharmacodynamic data from various sources and design a user-friendly database. Through advanced data mining and machine learning techniques, we will extract valuable data from databases, data repositories and non-strucured data sources (e.g. scientific articles and supplementary materials) across various disciplines, and identify the patterns in trends in these data. More information can be found here: ----- PhD position in Mathematical modelling of drug resistance evolution Professorship in Pathogen Evolution (ETH Zurich and Eawag) is seeking a highly motivated PhD Candidate to study drug resistance evolution in various pathogens through population genetic modelling. The main objective of the project is to develop a polygenic model to investigate the mechanisms underlying drug resistance evolution, focusing in particular on ploidy, reproductive mode and lifestyle. The target organisms will be bacteria, fungi and parasitic worms. While the position is theoretical, the student is encouraged and expected to collaborate with our experimental collaborators. The position is for 48 months. More information can be found here: Trubenova Barbora (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to