Analyst, Geographical Information Systems Alabama Natural Heritage Program Auburn University Museum of Natural History The Alabama Natural Heritage Program (ALNHP) of the Auburn University Museum of Natural History (AUMNH) is seeking an expert in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as they apply to natural history surveys and collections. The successful candidate will have experience in building and using species occupancy models, the use of GIS to develop maps in the development and successful outcome of ALNHP and AUMNH projects, and the ability to contribute to data management plans for the Department of Biological Sciences faculty. The candidate will be responsible for the upkeep and addition of species records to the ALNHP monitored species list in the program Biotics, serve as the ALNHP point of contact with NatureServe, to direct the ALNHP pages on iNaturalist, and to interact with students on GIS-related projects. The candidate will be expected to contribute to AUMNH outreach and education efforts. The successful candidate may be asked to create a graduate/undergraduate course in the use of GIS in Natural History, and a familiarity with course management software (like Canvas) is recommended. A bachelor's degree in biology, GIS, or a related field is required, but a master's or Ph.D. is preferred. For more information on the AUMNH, please visit: Evaluation of applications will begin 1 December 2024. Submit a CV, a statement describing relevant experience, and names and contact information of three references. For more information, contact Dr. Jonathan W. Armbruster, Director AUMNH, Department of Biological Sciences, 101 Life Sciences, Auburn University, AL 36849, See for more information on the museum and natural heritage program. Auburn University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and actively seeks applications from qualified women and minority candidates. Minimum Qualifications: Level I - Bachelor's Degree in Biology, GIS, or closely related field with no relevant experience. Level II - Bachelor's Degree in Biology, GIS, or closely related field with 2 years of experience with GIS. Level III - Bachelor's Degree in Biology, GIS, or closely related field with 4 years of experience in GIS. Desired Qualifications: A Master's or PhD in GIS, Biology, or closely related field. Salary Range: $38,200 - $71,200 To apply: Jonathan W. Armbruster Director and Curator of Fishes, Auburn University Museum of Natural History Professor, Department of Biological Sciences 101 Life Sciences Building Auburn, AL 36849 334-844-9261 Office: 131 Biodiversity Learning Center (M. White Smith) "" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to