UKansas.TwoAssistResearch.Mitogenomics Position Overview The Beck Laboratory in the Department of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS) is seeking a full-time Assistant Researcher with interests in mito-nuclear genomic interactions, cellular physiology, and biochemistry. The successful applicant will work with a research group that addresses how genetic variation impacts mito-nuclear dynamics and what the physiological consequences are of variation on those dynamics. Funding for this position is for 1 year, and may be extended depending on the availability of additional funding and the needs of the department. The applicant should be organized, motivated, work well with others, be willing to work with live fish, and be able to participate in multiple aspects of the lab including laboratory set up and research using molecular and computational techniques. Job Description 40% Research Tasks Helping the PI and other lab members with aspects of their research projects. Molecular tasks could include (but are not limited to): DNA/RNA isolation, PCR, genotyping, mitochondrial isolation, enzymatic assays of mitochondrial physiology. Computational tasks could include (but are not limited to) data mining genomic data from publicly available sources, genome assembly, gene annotation, variant calling, running protein folding predication software. There is the possibility of these tasks growing into independent research projects in close collaboration with the PI. 30% Lab Organization and maintenance The Beck Laboratory is opening August 1, 2024 and a substantial portion of time will be spent obtaining quotes from vendors, ordering supplies, and organizing the lab. Tasks will also include general lab upkeep, maintaining laboratory safety, and making chemical stocks for the laboratory (such as 70% ethanol and embryo media). All tasks in this area will be done in collaboration with the PI. 30% Fish Colony Management Two aquatic facilities for rearing threespine stickleback fish will be maintained by the Beck Laboratory. In the first 5 months of this position the aquatic system will be seeded for a healthy microbiome and there will be minimal fish maintenance required. In the following 7 months fish will enter the colony and maintenance tasks will include overseeing undergraduates in charge of feeding the fish, overseeing general upkeep and safety of the fish facility, and helping the PI establish an organizational system for tracking genotypes of rare fish to be entering the facility spring of 2025. This portion of the job may require occasional weekend or holiday work of about 15-20 min per day to ensure the fish are being fed and are healthy. This will be done in close collaboration with the PI who will also be taking on weekend/holiday feeding. Required Qualifications 1. B.S./B.A. in Biology or closely related field OR High school diploma/GED and four years of related experience obtained through academic course/lab work or from job training in another research lab (computational, molecular, or other related lab field). Preferred Qualifications 1. Experience managing an animal facility - experience with fish preferred 2. Basic molecular skills such as PCR, DNA/RNA isolation, and western blots - mitochondrial isolation/physiology experience as demonstrated in application materials. 3. Experience with Ensembl, Sequencing Read Archive, basic sequence alignment tools or Linux, Python, and R as demonstrated by application materials. Full job announcement: A complete online application: * Resume/CV * Cover letter describing how the required and preferred qualifications are met. This should include your previous lab experience and interest in the position. * Contact information for 3 professional references (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to