The Department of Life Sciences at the University of Bath is recruiting academics working on various aspects of microbiome research. There is a total of six positions that cover all ranks, with all positions being open to researchers working on topics linked to evolutionary biology and ecology. The full set of posts are described here: They include: Two Assistant/Associate Professorships (Lecturer/Senior Lect.): One advertised as ‘microbiomics’: and one as ‘human microbiomics’: Both of these positions explicitly include research linked to evolution, community ecology, biodiversity and conservation. Two Prize Fellow positions working on microbiome related research: These positions are for a three-year fixed term, but successful candidates will be offered permanent positions. So they have some similarity to tenure track posts. Prize fellows are eligible to apply for externally funded fellowships and grants. They may also supervise PhD students. Professor in Environmental Microbiomics: GSK Chair (Professor) in Pharmacomicrobiomics: Jason Wolf (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to