Title: Wildlife Disease Genetics Laboratory Manager
Location: University of Maine, Orono
A laboratory manager position is available in the Wildlife Disease
Genetics Laboratory at the University
of Maine, under the direction of Dr. Pauline Kamath. The position will
be responsible for the daily operation of a specialized molecular and
infectious disease laboratory. This will involve overseeing and performing
sample preparation, analysis, and assays, as well as provide field and
administrative support for several ongoing projects in the research
group. The successful candidate will also mentor students in independent
research and have the opportunity to lead analyses integrating genetic
and ecological data to answer research questions focused in the field
of wildlife disease ecology and evolution.
Please see a full description of the position, desired qualifications,
and application instructions at the following link:
Pauline L. Kamath, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Animal Diseases
Animal and Veterinary Sciences
School of Food & Agriculture
5735 Hitchner Hall, Rm 342
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5735
Phone: +1 207-581-2935
Email: pauline.kamath@maine.edu
Website: https://umaine.edu/foodandagriculture/kamath2/
Pauline Kamath
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