The Code of Conduct Committee for the Evolution meetings is recruiting new EvoAllies to serve at the conference as part of the ongoing SafeEvolution initiative. The goal of the program is to improve the climate at the meetings, making them more welcoming for everyone. It is not enforcement (we have a safety officer to investigate and sanctioning committee to put in place any sanctions if warranted), but rather to help de-escalate situations, direct people to resources to help them, and to identify any problems. We want to recruit people with a variety of life experiences, perspectives, and career stages. To apply, please go to . Applications will be evaluated by a subset of members of the Code of Conduct Committee and current EvoAllies. Applications close June 7 at 5 pm US Eastern time; chosen applicants will be notified by June 10 at noon US Eastern time in advance of a training on June 11. Please reach out with any questions to Brian O=92Meara ( Brian O'Meara (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to