The Society of Systematic Biologists is excited to recruit mentees and mentors to participate in its Mentorship Program for the next year, starting in July 2024. The program pairs graduate students and postdocs (junior members) with more-established members of the systematics community that include faculty, curators, teachers, researchers, etc. (senior members). Junior members receive guidance (e.g., scientific, professional, etc.) from senior members located at different institutions, while senior members help support the next generation of systematists. We've heard from both mentees and mentors that the experience was very rewarding. Participants usually commit ~15 hours of time per year to the program. Mentors and mentees meet for one hour per month over video chat (e.g. Zoom). Mentorship might also involve occasional email correspondence for advice and/or friendly peer review. Enrollment is open to all members of the systematics and phylogenetics community who will meet the program's expectations of participants (see link). Enrollment will remain open until July 5th, 2024. We will aim to announce mentoring pairs by July 15th, 2024. - Program website: - Enrollment link: - Contact email: Please get in touch if you're interested! The SSB Mentorship Program Team Mentorship Program (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to