The Sweet Lab at Arkansas State University is recruiting a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on an NSF-funded project that seeks to understand the evolution of fragmented mitochondrial genomes in parasitic lice. The Fellow will be part of a collaborative team that use molecular and bioinformatic approaches to address hypotheses related to genomic evolution, mito-nuclear coevolution, and phylogenetics. Responsibilities: The Fellow will be responsible for analyzing genomic datasets to test explicit hypotheses related to the evolution of fragmented mitochondrial genomes in different groups of lice. The Fellow will be expected to present results from their research at national and international conferences and publish their findings in peer-reviewed research journals. The Fellow will also be expected to mentor graduate and undergraduate students working on the project, and aid in providing logistical support for a collaborative research team from Arkansas State, Purdue University, and the University of Illinois. Start date: Preferred 1 August 2025, but start date is flexible. Support: The salary is $50,000/year plus benefits for up to 2 years. Funding is also available for attending conferences or other professional development opportunities. Qualifications: Applicants should have a Ph.D. in biology, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, genetics, or a related field. Competitive applicants will also have experience with a programming language (Python, Perl, R, etc.), bioinformatics (phylogenetics, molecular evolution, etc.), and/or basic molecular lab skills (DNA extractions, PCR, etc.). Application: To apply, please submit the following materials: 1) a one-page cover letter detailing your interest in the position, 2) C.V., 3) reprints of up to three publications, and 4) contact information for at least two professional references. Applicants should apply online at: Deadline: 31 March 2025 Please send any questions about the position to Dr. Drew Sweet at Andrew D. Sweet, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Biology Department of Biological Sciences Arkansas State University Jonesboro, AR USA Website: Andrew Sweet (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to