Dear colleagues, We are proposing a two-year post-doctoral fellowship, co-supervised by AgroParisTech (Palaiseau, France) and CBGP in Montpellier, to develop inference methods for the joint analysis of population dynamics and population genetics data, in order to estimate the local and recent demographic functioning of populations. We are looking for a motivated researcher, with a PhD in population genetics, population dynamics, probabilities or statistics applied to genetics. The project is detailed below. Sincerely, Camille Coron, Sophie Donnet, Raphaël Leblois, Miguel De Navascues Two-year post-doctoral position at AgroParisTech - INRAE (France) We are offering a 2-year postdoctoral position aimed at understanding how combining demographic and genetic data could improve the inference of a population's demographic history. We are looking for a motivated researcher, with a PhD in population genetics or in probabilities or statistics applied to genetics. Localisation : AgroParisTech - INRAE (Palaiseau, France) Duration : 2 years Beginning : September 2025 at the latest Subject : To study the demographic dynamics of a population, two types of data and approaches are generally used: on one hand, count data, and on the other hand, data from genetic sequenc- ing. These two types of data require different mathematical techniques to infer the demographic parameters of the populations under consideration. The aim of this postdoctoral position is to propose probabilistic models to jointly represent count data, coming from capture-mark-recapture protocoles or from citizen science programs, and genetic sequencing data. The properties of these models will be studied and these models will be used to infer the demographic dynamics of the considered population. These probabilistic models could range from the Wright-Fisher model to more complex birth-and-death models with interaction and spatial structure. Different modes of genetic transmission will also be considered. Some of these models could be studied using the SLiM program, which allows for the simulation of individual-based models and associated genetics. The associated biological challenges are the study of a population's demographic dynamics, and more specifically, understanding the decline and displacement of certain populations due to climate warming, as well as the control of proliferating species. The mathematical approaches envisaged are (1) the joint probabilistic modeling of population dynamics and datasets from different protocols, containing count data on one side and genetic data on the other. These models may have a natural hierarchical structure and must integrate the different acquisition protocols for the different types of data. (2) The inference of these models parameters, by combining inference by simulation and by maximum likelihood estimation. Finally, these models could be confronted to real data, for example, concerning the monitoring of fishery stock dynamics or the control of pest insect populations (i.e., disease vectors, crop pests), in collaboration with the CBGP (Montpellier). Supervisors : - Camille CORON (INRAE, Mathématiques et Informatiques Appliquées de Paris-Saclay) - Sophie DONNET (INRAE, Mathématiques et Informatiques Appliquées de Paris-Saclay) - Raphael LEBLOIS (INRAE, Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations, Montpellier) - Miguel DE NAVASCUES (INRAE, Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations, Montpellier) Searched profile : PhD in theoretical population genetics or in probability or statistics applied to population genetics. A strong interest for modeling and applications is required. For more informations and to apply :,, Send a resume, a motivation letter, and at least one recommendation letter. Linked references : [1] Giraud et al. 2016 Capitalizing on opportunistic data for monitoring relative abundances of species. Biometrics 72:649-658 [2] Benjamin C Haller, Philipp W Messer, SLiM 3: Forward Genetic Simulations Beyond the 1 Wright-Fisher Model, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 36, Issue 3, March 2019, Pages 632-637 [3] Navascu´es et al. 2009 Characterization of historical demographic expansions from pairwise comparisons of haplotypes using linked microsatellites. Genetics 181:1013-1019 [4] Raynal et al. 2019 ABC random forests for Bayesian parameter inference. Bioinformatics 35:1720-1728 [5] Rousset et al. 2024 Better confidence intervals in simulation-based inference. BioRxiv [6] Stoehr & Robin 2024 Composite likelihood inference for the Poisson log-normal model. ArXiv (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to