We have openings for fellowships (postdoctoral and technical-level TT-V) within the consortium Genomics of the Brazilian Biodiversity. The consortium is a partnership between the Vale Institute of Technology (ITV) and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and is sequencing chromosome-level reference genomes and population-level resequenced genomes for species of conservation interest. The project aims to contribute to public conservation policies for Brazilian species by producing high-quality genomic data (Vila�a et al. 2024 Cell Genomics) and is funded by Vale until 2027 in the order of USD$25 million. ITV is a privately funded research institute in Bel�m, Par�, Brazil and has a state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure able to generate all data in-house and high-performance computing resources. I am looking for fellows to join our team and contribute to projects focused on conservation genomics. The 12-month fellowships can be fully remote, with a monthly stipend of BRL$9320 Brazilian reais (~USD$1500). Applicants should have a strong background in genomics, with experience in chromosome-level reference genomes assembly (1 position) and/or population genomics (2 positions). Details of each position with minimum requirements can be found here: https://portalfadesp.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Edital-de-Bolsas-ITV-DS.pdf (pages 62,63 and 69). While postdoctoral fellowships require a completed PhD, TT-V fellowships require at least 5 years of experience after an undergraduate degree or a finished PhD. Applications have to be submitted through the FADESP website (https://portalfadesp.org.br/?page_id=47784) before January 10th, 2025. Please note that the cover letter needs to be submitted in Portuguese. Interviews are expected to happen during the first week of February. For further information about these positions, please contact: Dr. Sibelle Vila�a sibelle.vilaca[at]itv.org. Thanks, Sibelle Sibelle Torres Vila�a, PhD Assistant Researcher Instituto Tecnol�gico Vale | Vale Institute of Technology Desenvolvimento Sustent�vel | Sustainable Development Gen�mica Ambiental | Environmental Genomics Rua Boaventura da Silva, 955 - Nazar� 66055-090 - Bel�m, PA, Brasil E-mail: sibelle.vilaca@itv.org CV Lattes | Google Scholar ORCID Gen�mica da Biodiversidade Brasileira (GBB) AVISO LEGAL "As informa��es existentes nesta mensagem e nos arquivos anexados s�o para uso restrito. A utiliza��o, divulga��o, c�pia ou distribui��o dessa mensagem por qualquer pessoa diferente do destinat�rio � proibida. Se essa mensagem foi recebida por engano, favor exclu�-la e informar ao remetente pelo endere�o eletr�nico acima." DISCLAIMER "This email and its attachments may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this message by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of this message." Sibelle Torres Vilaca (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)