Postdoc position in Amphibian Disease Ecology We are seeking for a postdoctoral researcher in amphibian disease ecology and evolution to work in the Genomics and Experimental Evolution group at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. The position is part of the National Science Centre (NCN) grant "The role of blood parasites in emerging disease dynamics and biodiversity loss in amphibians". *Background*. Understanding the interactions between pathogens, as well as between pathogens and their hosts, is essential for inferring the evolution of disease dynamics, host immunity, and pathogen virulence. This knowledge is particularly critical for endangered taxa like amphibians. In this project, we aim to assess the role of hematic parasites in amphibian decline, as these parasites have been shown to significantly impact other taxa. *Job description*. The postdoc will conduct an experiment to investigate the impact and costs associated with infection by blood parasites in amphibians. This experiment will be carried in Dr. Netherlands' lab in South Africa ( The position will involve experimental laboratory work and statistical modelling. (S)he will work together with the PI, Dr. Netherlands, and other team members, including a network of international collaborators. *Requirements*. The suitable candidate will have a PhD degree obtained no earlier than in 2017 (extensions for parental leave apply), be fluent in English and have a strong interest in disease ecology and evolutionary biology. The candidate should have experience in experimental biology and data analysis, ideally with R; a background in blood parasites or emerging amphibian diseases will be an advantage. Employment: full-time research for nine months. Salary: approx. 7800 PLN gross (before tax, including benefits). *How to apply*. The applicationĀ (one single pdf file) should include: cover letter, CV with the list of publications, contact details of two referees and a scan of the PhD certificate. Please send the application by e-mail to: by 20th February 2025 at the latest. Selected candidates will be invited for live or Skype interviews. Preferred starting date April-May 2025. Gemma (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to