Sweden_Linkoping_QuantativeGenetics/Phylogenetics (LiU.se) Two-year postdoc position at Linköping University, Sweden, on avian brain size evolution using quantitative genetic data and phylogenetic comparative methods. This is a Carl Tryggers-funded project to study the genomic basis of avian brain size evolution, with a specific focus on the size of the cerebrum (forebrain) and cerebellum (hindbrain). Project description This project aims to firstly identify causative genes underlying cerebellum size and cerebrum size variation using the large expansion (both absolute and in proportion to the whole brain) of these two regions that occurred during domestication in chickens. Secondly, using phylogenetic comparative methods to test which of these candidate genes have undergone the strongest positive co-evolution with cerebellum and cerebrum size, and thereby which genes have had the strongest impact on these regions’ size evolution. This is part of a collaboration between the Henriksen lab (Linköping University - Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and the Krzysztof lab (Linköping University - Department of Computer and Information Science), and the postdoc will be part of both research groups. Requirements - A Ph.D. in a related field. - Experience with phylogenetic comparative analysis - Experience with R programming, data management, and statistical analysis Valuable skills/knowledge · A strong basis in population quantitative genetics and phylogenetics, ideally with prior experience of combining these. · Knowledge of brain size evolution · Strong computational and coding skills If interested, please send an email to Rie Henriksen (rie.henriksen@liu.se) before the 15th ofApril 2025, including a motivation letter (1 page) and a short CV (5 pages) with one or two contacts for reference. If you have doubts/questions, please do get in touch in the same email. Rie Henr​iksen, Associateprofessor IFM Biology Linköping University 58183 Linköping SWEDEN email: rie.henriksen@liu.se Phone: +46 (0) 70 089 50 84 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rie_Henriksen https://liu.se/en/research/henriksen-group Rie Henriksen (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)