The lab of Fredric Janzen ( is recruiting a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join us at the W. K. Kellogg Biological Station (KBS), Michigan State University ( The Janzen Lab leverages long-term population monitoring and expertise in theoretical modeling, quantitative genetics, and experimentation to understand the evolution ecology of a classic polyphenism - temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) - that occurs in many reptiles. In so doing, we also gain insight into phenotypic plasticity relevant to responses of imperiled taxa to anthropogenic habitat/climate change. We seek an experimental molecular biologist to work on collaborative projects exploring TSD as a model for developmental phenotypic plasticity. The successful candidate will work collaboratively with the PI and lab team to develop a research program that integrates 'omics-level analyses with existing expertise to evaluate the evolutionary dynamics of TSD within and across reptile species with differing patterns of sex-ratio response to developmental temperatures. Available lab resources include long-term data and tissues from a wild pedigreed population of turtles with TSD, as well as comparable resources from geographically distant populations. The research could thus include comparisons among years within populations (including across generations), across populations within species, as well as across taxa, to clarify proximate and ultimate mechanisms underlying observed plasticity in thermal reaction norms in reptiles with TSD. The post-doctoral mentoring philosophy includes providing (1) opportunities for professional development and mentoring of student scholars, (2) time for independent project development, and (3) resources for outreach and activities that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM. The successful applicant will be based at KBS, which hosts a vibrant group of resident faculty, post-docs, and graduate students along with multiple modern shared-use facilities, including a Molecular Ecology and Genomics (MEG) Lab, Pond Lab (experimental ponds, mesocosms, etc.), and Boathouse Research Facility (cutting-edge programmable walk-in environmental chambers and incubators). Opportunities for collaboration with MSU campus and other institutions are also available. A PhD is required by the start of the appointment. Expertise with fieldwork, reptiles, or TSD is not required. More important will be (1) demonstrated scholarly excellence, (2) relevant bench skills - wet lab/molecular biology experience, preparation of high-throughput sequencing libraries, bioinformatics capability related to 'omics data - and (3) a strong desire to advance our conceptual understanding of phenotypic plasticity, including polyphenisms. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Instructions for applying can be found here: Preferred start date by March 2025, although the specific start date is negotiable. For further information, feel free to reach out to Dr. Janzen ( Fredric Janzen (he/him) Professor, W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Departments of Fisheries and Wildlife & Integrative Biology Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program Michigan State University 3700 East Gull Lake Drive Hickory Corners, MI 49060 "Janzen, Fredric" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to