Postdoctoral Researcher in Evolutionary Ecology This postdoctoral position is part of a major research project funded by the European Research Council, with the overall objective of providing new theoretical and empirical understanding of spatial and seasonal eco-evolutionary dynamics in nature. The primary aims will be to provide new theoretical understanding of the microevolutionary dynamics of dichotomous traits, and to explore the implications for eco-evolutionary dynamics. This will include evaluating impacts of fluctuating selection, selection on phenotypic plasticity and multivariate constraints, and resulting non-additive genetic effects and gene-by-environment interactions. The objectives will be achieved through combinations of quantitative genetic theory and individual-based modelling. Results will be used to inform analyses of eco-evolutionary dynamics arising in spatially- and seasonally varying environments, working alongside researchers analyzing field data on variable seasonal migration. The position provides an exciting opportunity to lead research advances in fundamental evolutionary principles, and their implications in the context of varying environments. It will suit applicants who are motivated to undertake high-level quantitative research in these areas, integrating theoretical and empirical science. Applicants with some experience of theory development through mathematical and/or simulation modelling, and/or with strong conceptual understanding and experience of empirical quantitative genetics analyses or other related forms of advanced statistics, are encouraged to apply. Training in key concepts will be provided, and further skills in modelling and analytical approaches can be learned as required. The position will be held within an international research group led by Professor Jane Reid in the Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Informal enquiries are welcome ( Closing date: 17th March 2025 Duration: Three years Full details at: The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683. Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas cl�raichte ann an Alba, �ir. SC013683. "Reid, Dr Jane M." (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to