Post doctoral opportunity in Forest Ecology: Adaptation to Climate in Forest Tree Species and Climate-smart Seed Sourcing Strategies. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral scholar to join the Leites lab and a highly dynamic team of scientists from Penn State University, Purdue University, University of Kentucky, and the US Forest Service, who are working on the multidisciplinary project "Future-proofing forests though a genetically informed reforestation/restoration decision network". The postdoctoral scholar will join the team to work on ecological genetics (a.k.a. genecology) of forest tree species, modeling population responses to climate in tree species native to the eastern US, and delineating climate-smart seed sourcing strategies for resilient forests. Duties include assembling and managing a large number of datasets from provenance and common garden trials for multiple species, statistical modeling and data science work, preparation and submission of manuscripts for peer reviewed journals, writing reports, oversight and coordination of activities with collaborators, serving as a role model and providing support to graduate students in the project, and performing other tasks as they arise. The postdoctoral scholar will have the opportunity to mentor undergraduate and graduate students, participate in extension and outreach activities, and participate in professional development activities as well as attend relevant and agreed-upon scientific conferences. This is a limited-term position funded for one year from date of hire with an excellent possibility of re-funding for a second year pending performance and funding availability. A minimum of one submission or publication in a peer-reviewed journal during the first year is required to be considered for contract renewal. This position will be located at Penn State in University Park, Pennsylvania (State College, PA). Required Qualifications: * PhD in a relevant field such as forest ecology, forestry, or ecology, * Strong proficiency in statistical modeling and familiarity in data science, * Proficiency in R, * Record of publications in peer-reviewed journals, * Field experience in forest settings, * Excellent organizational skills, * Excellent teamwork, mentoring, and communication skills, * Committed to an ethical, inclusive, and nurturing work environment. Preferred Qualifications: * Knowledge or background on ecological genetics (a.k.a. genecology), * Field experience working with common gardens and provenance trials, * Familiarity with forest tree species native to the eastern US, * Proficiency in geospatial analysis in R. Start Date: Fall 2024 The Leites lab provides an intellectually rigorous and stimulating environment where we strive to be inclusive and welcoming so that all members can achieve their academic and professional goals. Visit our lab page for more information ( Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in an appropriate field and be able to provide evidence that all requirements have been met for completion of the Ph.D. prior to the effective date of hire. To apply, visit Penn State University Careers ( and search for position REQ_0000054453. For inquiries, please contact Dr. Laura Leites at Kevin Potter (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to