Dear EvolDir members, a new (postdoc) position to join my lab has just been officially advertised. The position will be one year with expected start date on September 1st 2024. The deadline for applying is July 9th 2024 (apologies for the repeated posting, but due to the close deadline, I made an advance post some time ago). The official call (in Italian language) is at and a short write-up on the position is available on my website at The position is quite broadly defined in terms of ideal candidate background/expertise and is focused mainly on data analysis. I must note that this type of position most likely will not appeal to non-EU candidates due to too much paperwork (e.g., visa, official recognition of foreign degrees, please see the link above). Please, also notice that I cannot accept applications directly to me via email, as applications are only accepted through the official channels (as outlined in the call text). Best regards, Carmelo Fruciano Carmelo Fruciano Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences University of Catania Carmelo Fruciano (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to