Postdoctoral Positions: Bioinformatic and single-cell ‘omics approaches for studying genome evolution in microbial eukaryotes The Department of Biological Sciences at Smith College invites applications for two benefits eligible postdoctoral fellow, focusing on genome evolution in microeukaryotes (aka protists), to begin on or after April 1, 2025. The bulk of the work will focus on bioinformatic analyses of data generated in the lab from diverse amoebae, including species sampled from extreme (e.g. low pH, high temperature) environments. The initial appointment is for one year, with the possibility of extending for additional years. The position will be housed in Professor Laura Katz's laboratory in the Department of Biological Sciences ; questions should be directed to The goals of this research include characterizing genome architecture in poorly-studied clades and reconstructing the evolutionary history of both genes and species (i.e. species delimitation). The ideal candidate will: 1) be a productive researcher with interests in both biodiversity and phylogenomics of microorganisms; 2) have experience identifying and isolating diverse protists; 3) have knowledge of bioinformatic and/or phylogenetic tools; 3) have excellent communication and interpersonal skills; and 4) be interested in collaborating with graduate and undergraduate students in the laboratory. Research in the Katz lab aims to elucidate principles of the evolution in eukaryotes through analyses of microbial groups, and to assess how these principles apply (or fail to apply) to other organisms. Currently we focus on three interrelated areas: (1) characterizing evolutionary relationships among eukaryotes using single-cell ‘omics’ and phylogenomics; (2) exploring the evolution of germline vs somatic genomes; and (3) describing the phylogeography and biodiversity of protists in local environments (bogs, fens, coastal habitats). Located in Northampton, MA, Smith College is the largest women’s college in the country and is dedicated to excellence in teaching and research across the liberal arts. The College is a member of the Five College Consortium with Amherst, Hampshire and Mt. Holyoke Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst and students cross-enroll and faculty cross-teach across the Five Colleges. Submit application through Smith’s employment website with a cover letter, curriculum vitae, sample publications and the contact information for three confidential references. Finalists may be asked for additional materials. Review of applications will begin on February 15, 2025. Laura Katz (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to