Post-doctoral position ??? University of California, Berkeley ??? Human Evolutionary Genetics. Description: The Moorjani Lab ( at the University of California, Berkeley develops and applies statistical methods to genetic data from present-day and ancient individuals to learn about human demographic history and its impact on disease and adaptation. We are interesting in learning about human germline mutation rate, demographic inference and archaic ancestry. Some ongoing projects include:(1) uncovering the determinants of human germline mutation rate, (2) characterizing major population events in human evolution, such as gene flow, bottlenecks and expansions, and (3) identifying genetic variants linked to environmental adaptations and human diseases. The research in the lab involves both development of new methods and large-scale genomic data analysis. Responsibilities: A successful candidate will develop and apply computational approaches to large genomic datasets to characterize patterns of population history and evolution. The main responsibilities include conducting research, attending regular lab meetings and journal clubs, and preparing research results for publication and presentations at scientific meetings. Opportunities may also exist for mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Required qualifications: Ph.D. or equivalent in genetics, genomics, computational biology or related fields and demonstrated record of productivity and publications. Experience with programming (e.g. C/C++, Python/ Perl, R or other programming languages), genomic data analysis and methods development. Please contact Priya with your CV and a brief overview of research questions you are interested in pursuing. Please also request three recommenders to send a letter of reference on your behalf. Salary: This is a multi-year postdoctoral position (initial appointment is for 12 months and renewable annually up to three more years). Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Contact: Priya Moorjani Assistant Professor Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Center for Computational Biology Email: Priya G Moorjani (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to