Postdoc Position in Quiescent cell Variability We invite applications for a postdoc position within the project "The influence of ecological factors on the quiescent state: from the characteristics of individual eukaryotic cells to population dynamics", funded by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) OPUS grant. About the Project Background information:  Quiescence (Q) is a fundamental survival state in eukaryotic cells, allowing organisms to persist under starvation conditions. The project aims to explore the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying quiescent state variability and its impact on adaptation, antifungal resistance, and population dynamics. The project investigates how individual quiescent cells reorganize their internal structures and how these changes influence population-level survival, stress tolerance, and adaptation. Main questions are:  What structural and metabolic changes occur in single quiescent cells over time, and how do they impact survival and regrowth? How do different quiescent phenotypes respond to antifungal treatments, and what are the mechanisms of resistance? How does population density affect quiescence-related survival strategies, and how the Allee Effect influence quiescent cell fitness? What evolutionary trade-offs exist between quiescence depth, regrowth potential, and stress resistance? About the Position The Postdoctoral researcher will focus on developing and applying advanced microscopy, microfluidics, and single-cell analysis techniques to investigate quiescence at both individual and population levels. The candidate will: -    Develop and apply fluorescence microscopy and microfluidics techniques for single-cell quiescence analysis. -    Characterize cytoskeletal, mitochondrial, and metabolic changes in quiescent cells. -    Conduct live-cell imaging experiments to monitor quiescent cell aging and reactivation dynamics. -    Investigate antifungal resistance mechanisms in quiescent yeast populations. -    Collaborate with international partners to integrate advanced imaging and microfluidic technologies into the research workflow. -    Contribute to mathematical modelling efforts linking single-cell characteristics to population-level dynamics. Host Institution & Location The PhD student will be based at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland - one of the leading research institutes in Ecology and Evolution in Central Europe ( Kraków is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene (European City of Culture 2000), hosting over 100 festivals and numerous cultural events annually. The city offers modern museums, theaters, cinemas, restaurants, and excellent access to outdoor activities such as hiking and biking. It is also well-connected to other European cities. Founding & Salary The position is for 4 years (after successful probation) and the salary is 140k PLN/year before tax. To estimate living costs in Kraków, applicants can use tools such as Numbeo ( Requirements The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in a relevant field by June 2025 (or obtained no more than 7 years ago, possible extension due to e.g. parental leave). We are looking for candidates with: -    Possess experience in fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, and/or preferably microfluidic single-cell analysis and techniques. -    Be familiar with yeast biology -    Proficiency in image analysis -    Have strong analytical skills and the ability to work independently while coordinating with a multidisciplinary team -    Fluency in English (written and spoken), good communication and organisational skills -    Be willing to collaborate with international research groups and conduct short research stays abroad. -    Strong track record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals. -    Willingness to mentor PhD and Master's students in the lab. Deadline & Selection Process If interested, please send a cover letter explaining your background, skills, and interest in the project, CV, and contact information of two academics willing to provide references to  dr hab. Dominika W³och-Salamon, Prof. UJ ( Review of applications is ongoing; apply by 28th April, 2025 to ensure full consideration. The start date of the position is 01.09.2025 (but may be negotiable!). We look forward to receiving your application! dr hab. Dominika W³och-Salamon Prof. UJ Instytut Nauk o Œrodowisku/ Institute of Environmental Sciences Uniwersytet Jagielloñski/ Jagiellonian University + 48 12 664-51-35 ul. Gronostajowa 7; 30-387 Kraków ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-1838 "Always in motion is the future." Yoda "" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to