Postdoc position / group leader - Plant real-time evolution Mainz, Germany The Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution at the University of Mainz, Germany, invites applications for a postdoc / junior group leader position for an ERC funded project in the department of Evolutionary Plant Sciences, headed by Prof Shuqing Xu ( The project aims to study the causes, consequences and mechanisms of evolution in natural communities in response to climate change. The successful candidate may start on the 1st October 2024, or as early as possible. The salary will initially be provided for three years, with the possibility of an extension. Supported by other group members, the candidate will use the state-of-the-art multiomics approach to understand plant real-time evolution in natural communities. During this project, the candidate will mature his/her scientific skills and develop independence in project planning and management skills. He/she may have the opportunity to supervise PhD/Masters students and establish a research group. Requirements: We are looking for a highly motivated researcher with a doctoral degree, or an equivalent thereof, in biology, evolutionary genetics, bioinformatics, or computer science. The candidate is expected to design, conduct and organize the projects independently. A training background in bioinformatics, evolutionary genetics/genomics, or community ecology is preferred. Applicants must demonstrate experience in statistics and genomics. Experience with computational modelling is a plus. Our group consists of people of various nationalities and teamwork is essential for all projects in the group. Therefore, excellent communication skills, as well as proficiency in spoken and written English, are expected. The University of Mainz hosts many excellent scientific institutions (, and Mainz is a historic city located on the Rhine River with many students and a rich social and cultural life. Applications must be in English and include: (1) a motivation letter stating the research interests with reference to the stated requirements in no more than two pages, (2) a detailed CV including academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as details of all research experience, (3) an abstract of the PhD thesis, and (4) contact details of at least two referees. Applicants should send their documents in one single PDF file to Prof Shuqing Xu ( with the subject line either "Plant real-time evolution postdoc position - Your Name". The application review will commence on 15th August 2024. The position will remain open until filled. Best wishes, Shuqing Xu Prof. Dr. Shuqing Xu Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution (IomE) Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Biozentrum I Hanns-Dieter-Hüsch-Weg 15 D-55128 Mainz Germany Phone: +49 6131 39 26907 E-mail: Shuqing Xu (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to