UniNaples. Orchids interbiotics Postdoctoral Position at the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy We are accepting applications for a one-year post doctorate fellow position in the field of genotyping and metabarcoding of orchid biotic interactions. Review of applications begins on november 2024 OVERVIEW: We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate with a strong expertise in Bioinformatics alongside a strong background in plant evolutionary ecology. The candidate must have completed a Ph.D. degree in the last three years, preferably in the areas of plant-pollination, plant-fungal interaction, pollen and soil metabarcoding and must show a clear experience of application of bioinformatic tools to these fields. The work will focus on analysing NGS data of orchid genotyping and pollen and fungal metabarcoding that have been already generated in our lab. We aim to associate of fungal and pollinator partners to specific orchid genotypes that have been mapped by population pedigree analyses. HOW TO APPLY: To apply, please submit in one PDF file: (i) one page cover letter including motivation and research interests, (ii) a CV, and (iii) contact information for two references electronically, to cozzolin@unina.it Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Job can start as early as January 2025. *The selected candidate will be required to present official credentials from all his/her academic degrees. If you have questions about the position and the project, please email me. Kind regards, Prof. Salvatore Cozzolino Ph.D Dept. of Biology University of Naples Federico II Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo Via Cinthia, 80126, Napoli, Italia Building 7, room 0D-27 Email: cozzolin@unina.it Phone:+39-081679186 (room); +39-081679185 (lab) https://www.docenti.unina.it/salvatore.cozzolino salvatore cozzolino (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)