Postdoctoral positions in Population Genomics at University of Oregon We are seeking qualified applicants for a postdoctoral position in the joint lab group of Drs. Andrew Kern and Peter Ralph in the Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Oregon. Candidates would work in a few areas, including but not limited to: the development and application of deep learning methods for population genomic inference and/or the role of geographic space in adaptation. We are particularly interested in understanding how the forces of migration, selection, and demography shape patterns of genetic variation in whole-genome data from human, mosquito, and a variety of non-model organism populations. The ideal candidate would hold a Ph.D. in population genetics, evolutionary biology, phylogenetics/phylogeography, computational biology, computer science, statistics, or a related field. Indeed, your exact field of research to date is less important than your interest in the scientific questions and motivation to learn. The ideal candidate would have experience programming in python or R, and have some experience with cluster computing environments. More information about the Kern-Ralph co-lab can be found here: - note in particular our expectations ( are an extremely collaborative group, thus lab members work both on independent projects as well as collaborative projects. The position has funding for multiple years, so we hope to find candidates that will be with us for at least two years. More information about the Institute for Ecology and Evolution can be found here: . The lab is located on the gorgeous University of Oregon campus. Eugene is a wonderful small city with an excellent quality of life that affords abundant outdoor opportunities in the nearby Cascade mountains and Oregon coast. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates should submit an electronic version of their CV along with a cover letter describing their qualifications and relevant experience to Andrew Kern ( and Peter Ralph ( Persons with identities historically excluded from science and/or population genomics are particularly encouraged to apply. Inquiries welcome: please write if you have questions about the job or the qualifications. Andrew Kern (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to