The Department of Biology, University of Oxford (UK) is seeking to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) on a two-year contract funded by a grant to Prof. Filatov from the BBSRC. This project will take advantage of the recent de novo evolution of separate sexes and sex chromosomes in plant Silene latifolia and its relatives to study how dosage compensation system originates and evolves. A couple of recent papers related to this project: Filatov D.A. (2024) Evolution of a plant sex chromosome driven by expanding pericentromeric recombination suppression. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1373 Yue J., Krasovec M., Kazama Y., Zhang X., Xie W., Zhang S., Xu X., Kan B., Ming R., Filatov D.A. (2023) The origin and evolution of sex chromosomes, revealed by sequencing of the Silene latifolia female genome. Current Biology 33 (12), 2504-2514. e3 Most of the work in the project is expected to be computer-based, with the focus on evolutionary genetic analyses of genome and transcriptome sequence data. The PDRA will be encouraged to collaborate on other related projects to help improve their publication record and maximize the chances of future employability in academia. The applicants should have or be expected to soon obtain a PhD or equivalent and publication record in a relevant area (evolutionary genetics/genomics, bioinformatics). Significant experience in population genetic and genetic high throughput data analysis will be essential for this project. It will be advantageous for the successful applicant to have previous work experience related to sex chromosome evolution, and expert knowledge of one or more scripting or programming languages (e.g., Python, C++, Java etc.). The closing date for applications is Wednesday 24th July 2024. Informal enquiries: Formal applications have to be submitted via Oxford University jobs portal: Vacancy ID: 173835 Contact:      Salary (UK pounds per annum): 36024 – 44263 Prof. Dmitry A. Filatov PhD Department of Biology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, UK Dmitry Filatov (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to