Postdoctoral Research Associate - Bioinformatics (Evolutionary/Conservation) Employer: University of Western Australia Duration: 1-year Brief Position Description: We are looking at the evolutionary genomics of fragmented populations of lizards in relation to phenotype, habitat change and population structure. We have whole genome sequences for ~300 lizards across a spread of discrete populations from over 25 years, and we are looking for a bioinformatician with skill strengths in estimating mutation load (SnpEff) and/or genomic parameters from WGS. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr Natasha LeBas, Prof Leigh Simmons (Centre for Evolutionary Biology) and Professor Dave Edwards (Applied Bioinformatics Group). Remote working may be considered. We are keen to fill and commence soon, please contact us for further information. Bioinformaticians working in other disciplines welcome to apply. Key Responsibilities: Estimate genomic parameters of interest (mutation load, GWAS, GEA) from whole genome sequences and prepare data for analysis, analyse data and contribute to manuscript preparation. Centre for Evolutionary Biology Centre for Applied Bioinformatics Contact email: Natasha Lebas (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to