ONLINE COURSE - Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR06) 18-22 September 2024 Please feel free to share! This 5-day course will cover R concepts, methods, and tools that can be used to analyze community ecology data. The course will review data processing techniques relevant to multivariate data sets. We will cover diversity indices, distance measures and distance-based multivariate methods, clustering, classification and ordination techniques using the R package VEGAN. We will use real-world empirical data sets to motivate analyses, such as describing patterns along gradients of environ-mental or anthropogenic disturbances, quantifying the effects of continuous and discrete predictors. We will emphasise visualisation and reproducible workflows as well as good programming practices. The modules will consist of introductory lectures, guided computer coding, and participant exercises. The course is intended for intermediate users of R who are interested in community ecology, particularly in the areas of terrestrial and wetland ecology, microbial ecology, and natural resource management. You are strongly encouraged to use your own data sets (they should be clean and already structured, see the document: "recommendation if you participate with your data". Please emailoliverhooker@prstatistics.comwith any questions -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats Oliver Hooker (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to