WHERE: San Diego, US WHAT: Workshop at Plant and Animal Genome 32 (PAG 32) International Conference WHEN: Tuesday January 14th, 2025 Please also find the info on the INCREASE news https://www.pulsesincrease.eu/news/call-for-abstracts-workshop-on-participatory-and-citizen-science-genomics-at-pag32 Call for Abstracts Participatory and Citizen Science Genomics Plant and Animal Genome 32 (PAG 32) International Conference http://www.intlpag.org/ January 10-15, 2025 Town and Country Convention Centre, San Diego, California The Participatory and Citizen Science Genomics workshop is confirmed at the Plant and Animal Genome 32 (PAG 32-2025) International conference. You are invited to attend this Workshop and submit abstracts for oral presentations. Participatory approaches and citizen science are more and more commonly used to address multiple scientific questions and, at the same time, exploit the potential of directly involving stakeholders and citizens. This enhances research dissemination and favors a more effective innovation pipeline multiplying the societal impact of scientific research. Indeed, worldwide scientists are increasingly engaged with open science, open innovation, and open-to-the-world principles. A main aspect of the success of citizen science is also the opportunity of taking advantage of cutting-edge digital technologies, to make science and innovation more collaborative and global. Open Science and Participatory research represent innovative ways to perform scientific research and processes based on cooperative work and new approaches to disseminate and share knowledge using digital technologies and new collaborative tools. Participatory and Citizen Science Initiatives in the Research Area are incredibly increasing in the last five years and many projects in plant and animal sciences are nowadays exploiting the potential of exploring participatory and citizen science, particularly in biodiversity conservation and crop improvement. This workshop will give the opportunity to keynote scientists and projects to illustrate the Participatory and Citizen Science experiments they are putting in place and highlight the genomics contributions in agriculture, for plants and animal conservation, and for agroecological sustainability. The Workshop will take place on Tuesday January 14, with a provision for 6 invited speakers. Invited presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts. Please send your abstract and details using the form at the link https://forms.gle/jHXs9Wb1PgCo2pU29, no later than November 6, 2024. Please make sure to include affiliations of all authors and email address of the corresponding author/speaker. You will be notified by November 18, 2024 whether your abstract has been selected for an oral presentation. Thereafter, the selected presenters will need to submit their abstract to the PAG website. Authors whose abstracts are not selected for oral presentations are highly encouraged to present a poster at the conference. For information and questions regarding the Participatory and Citizen Science Genomics workshop, please contact Roberto Papa (and/or Elisa Bellucci) or write to PAG.citizenscience@gmail.com Organizer: Roberto Papa - r.papa@univpm.it Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche Ancona, Italy Co-organizer: Elisa Bellucci - e.bellucci@univpm.it Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche Ancona, Italy ROBERTO PAPA (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)