"Telling Stories Through Data" Workshop August 4-10, 2024 UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island Workshop Website: https://bit.ly/TSTD2024 Apply to participate (form closes on Friday June 14, 2024): https://forms.gle/Jza1rAVy6Aubu7wc8 The TSTD workshop series is designed to foster practical skills in both bioinformatics and science communication, training participants in how to "tell stories through data." Each weeklong workshop will be centered around two overarching questions: How do you find the story? and What do you do with the story? Morning sessions (led by Holly Bik, Associate Professor at the University of Georgia) will focus on how these questions are applied to bioinformatics data analyses, guiding participants in how to visualize data, conduct appropriate statistical analyses, and build narratives for scientific manuscripts. Afternoon sessions (led by Virginia Schutte, freelance science communicator) will provide complementary training on storytelling for public audiences, teaching participants how to identify compelling public narratives and prepare science outreach products using a variety of digital media tools. This workshop is targeted towards graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, and participants are expected to have some basic familiarity with command line tools and scientific programming (e.g. Unix, R, and/or Python). The 2024 TSTD workshop will be focused on analysis of eDNA Metabarcoding data (e.g. 16S/18S rRNA environmental amplicons). Please refer to workshop website for a full description and preliminary schedule. This workshop is targeted towards graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, although we will consider applications from other early-career scientists who would especially benefit from participating. All participants are expected to have some basic familiarity with command line tools and scientific programming (e.g. Unix, R, and/or Python) in order to fully benefit from the workshop trainings. This is NOT an introductory programming course; we will be focusing on -Omics workflows and downstream data visualizations of target datasets. The 2024 TSTD workshop will be focused on eDNA Metabarcoding data (e.g. 16S/18S rRNA environmental amplicons). Holly Bik Associate Professor Department of Marine Sciences and Institute of Bioinformatics University of Georgia 102B Marine Sciences Bldg 325 Sanford Drive Athens, GA 30602 Email: hbik@uga.edu Office: (+1) 706-542-2844 Lab: (+1) 706-542-2037 Lab: https://www.biklab.org/ Personal: https://www.hollybik.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/hollybik hbik@uga.edu (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)