Dear Colleagues The Museum of Paris (MNHN) is organizing a 2-weeks Training Course on the Taxonomy of Tropical Deep-Sea Sponge from December 2 nd to December 13 th , 2024 . Targeted audience are students, researchers, collection managers, and all professionals involved in the field of biology, whatever their disciplines and levels (beginners, advanced, experts). The goal of the workshop is to bring together professional taxonomists and students (in the broad sense) around samples recently collected during the Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos Program and deposited in the MNHN collections to transmit taxonomic knowledge while speeding up digitization of natural collections. During 10 days, we will sort specimens to the lowest taxonomic level possible and use best practices to taxa identification and data collection management, preservation, and traceability. In addition, there will be courses on Porifera taxonomy, evolutionary genetics, and deep-sea ecology. Further details are provided on the website of the DEST-CETAF: [ | Upcoming courses - DEST (Distributed European School of Taxonomy) ( ] Registration is free but necessary to anticipate coffee breaks and discussions. Don't forget to register by sending an email to: [ ] Thank you for relaying widely this information within your laboratories. Kind regards, Magalie. Magalie Castelin MNHN - PhD Curator of Cnidaria Sc. Coord. TETTRiS EJT Topical editor - Zoology UMR 7205 - Institut de Syst�matique, �volution, Biodiversit� (ISyEB) Equipe Exploration, Esp�ces et Evolution (3E) 55 rue Buffon, CP51 (2eme �tage) 75005 Paris, France Loan/visit request: Access to MNHN database: Access to cruises and expeditions: T�l : +33 (0)1 40 79 31 65 Magalie Castelin (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to